Endeavor Spain CTO Retreat: Success Stories About AI
Language: English
As part of the First Endeavor Spain CTO Retreat, we gave a talk about AI in sports, sharing our experience in leading the application of AI and analytics at Sportian and addressing the challenges inherent to its startup nature.
SportsPro NYC: From touchdowns to tries, How Major League Rugby is using innovation to drive growth and world recognition
Language: English
Join us as we share our solutions to the industry's most pertinent challenges. Specific topics include:
How are Major League Rugby growing the 'other' oval-ball game in North America?
How to embrace digital transformation to redefine the future of your sport.
Exploring Major League Rugby's huge growth ahead of the U.S. 2031 World Cup.
AI Disruption, Mesa Redonda
Panel - Language: Spanish
“AI Disruption” es una sesión coorganizada por IPG Mediabrands España y Expansión, y creada en colaboración con CEOE, acerca de la irrupción de la Inteligencia Artificial en la nueva era de las conexiones descentralizadas.
Profundizaremos en la actualidad de la #IA y todo el potencial que pone a nuestro alcance, en una mesa redonda moderada por Cristina Rey, CEO de UM España & Chief Transformation Officer IPG Mediabrands España
Endeavor Italy, C-Level Day: Igniting ideas with Data & AI
Keynote - Language: English & Italian
I CLevel sono una parte vitale del funzionamento di un'azienda e per questo Endeavor li supporta di continuo attraverso le community periodiche. Questa volta però abbiamo voluto fare le cose in grande, invitando i CLevel delle aziende Endeavor alle OGR Torino. 75 partecipanti per una giornata ricca di attività ritagliate sui loro bisogni, senza dimenticare il networking.
Elevating the game: Unleashing AI's power for limitless fan experiences
Webinar - Language: English
Join our panel discussion and discover the limitless power of AI in sports to revolutionize customer experiences and elevate fan engagement through cutting-edge technologies. 👉 https://globant.link/3P9fgdz
Explore the impact of generative AI on the development of sport and get a glimpse into the future for fans and teams.
Learn about the role of IoT in data collection, strategy optimization and coaching to unlock the true potential for performance improvement.
Discover how OTTs are transforming sports entertainment, creating innovative experiences and technologies to immerse remote fans and bring them closer to the heart-pounding action of the game like never before.
Discover Globant's success stories with the LA Clippers and La Liga, and explore how technology is changing the way we consume, support, and experience sports.
FIA Conference 2023, Digitalisation & AI: Creating Value
Conference Talk - Language: English
As we embark on our journey through the FIA Digital Innovation strategy, this session sets the stage for an inspiring exploration of possible futures in business transformation. We welcome guests from diverse professional backgrounds to join the dialogue, offering a holistic perspective on the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in this revolution. Together with these leaders, we will chart a practical roadmap to turn technological advancements into competitive advantages in today's increasingly digital world. This session is the first in a series of regular updates to our Members.
Tendencias aplicadas: Cómo la IA, el metaverso, el blockchain y el low code revolucionarán los negocios y nuestro trabajo
Webinar - Language: Spanish
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
No hay data: recalculando el negocio
Webinar - Language: Spanish
Gonzalo Zarza (Globant), especialista en Big Data, conversó con más de 100 asistentes en la última webinar de Austral en Línea, «No hay data: recalculando el negocio». Habló de la importancia y el beneficio que tiene registrar y analizar los datos de nuestro negocio o empresa.
Con ejemplos reales explicó por qué un negocio debe analizar datos en un contexto actualizado para no caer en decisiones equivocadas. A su vez, hizo hincapié en prever cuánto tiempo y presupuesto se va a invertir en cada caso porque el retorno de inversión muchas veces es estimativo e incierto.